The disclosure of personal emails can be embarrassing. And so it proved this week when hundreds of them, accumulated over more than a decade in the files of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, UK, tumbled into the public domain as a result of an illegal hack. Climate change deniers claim that the emails expose a conspiracy at work to make human-induced global warming a fact. A columnist for the Guardian newspaper in London said that the emails could scarcely be more damaging. One blog for the Daily Telegraph, also in London, called it "Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of anthropogenic global warming", adding "this scandal could well be the greatest in modern science". The sceptical climate scientist Patrick Michaels told the New York Times: "This is not a smoking gun; this is a mushroom cloud."
But the charge that the emails are proof of a climate change swindle is ludicrous. As we report (see "Hacked archive provides fodder for climate sceptics"), there is no evidence in the hundreds of emails that data is being systematically falsified or dishonestly manipulated in refereed journals.The overwhelming impression from this peek into the world of climate scientists is their anger about voluble outsiders who won't play the game by the accepted rules of science. They mean those naysayers who generally publish by blog or in non-peer-reviewed journals; who demand access to raw data and personal computer codes; who take preconceived positions to which almost any data will be moulded - and who then accuse the other side of playing dirty. This anger is understandable. Over the past two decades, the CRU has compiled the most authoritative record of recent temperatures on the planet. It is how we know the world is warming. Yet its researchers have been inundated over the past few years with what feel like unreasonable and malicious demands for their raw data. They fear the hacking of their emails is the culmination of a concerted attack by data terrorists.
"Climate researchers have been inundated with what feel like malicious demands for their data"
They deserve to be protected. The trouble is that there should also be a place in the scientific dialogue for critics to make their views known, for the heretics who are not part of the scientific consensus.
Researchers being paid from the public purse should not treat their detractors as enemies but make reasonable attempts to engage with them honestly, no matter how unpalatable their views. Nor should they ask each other to delete emails - in response, apparently, to a freedom of information request. Scientists in general need to address how such destructive antagonism can be prevented, before the flow of research data dwindles. If that were to happen, science itself becomes the victim.
Source : here
Monday, November 30, 2009
Researchers Must Stay on The Moral High Ground
Posted by besar at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Environmental News
The MICRO IV Flexible Single Gas Detector
The MICRO IV from GfG (Germany) is the optimum solution for personal protection from toxic gases and vapours. It is very small and light and a crocodile clip secures it safely on a belt or pocket. The housing is extremely shock and scratch resistant. Of course the MICRO IV is approved for use in explosion endangered areas. The plug in sensors are pre-calibrated and can be replaced easily. The MICRO IV recognises the new sensor type, measuring gas, detection range, calibration curve as well as alarm threshold values. Only one minute after sensor replacement the MICRO IV is ready for operation.
The MICRO IV provide 3 programmable alarm thresholds for toxic gases. The warning occurs when the programmed values are exceeded. For toxic gases the MICRO IV provides additional alarms for exceeded STEL or TWA values. The audible alarm (95 dB(A)) of the MICRO IV is noticeable even in noisy environments. The three alarm levels can be distinguished by different frequencies. Two extremely bright flashing LEDs indicate gas alarm. The alarm levels are distinguished by different flashing frequencies. The data logger saves up to 200 events. Alarm thresholds A1, A2, A3 as well as STEL and TWA are stored together with time and gas concentration. Data is stored continuously, old data is overwritten.
The MICRO IV provides an infrared interface for data transfer via PC, the data interface, for quick device configuration or via dockingstation, which allows execution of the daily bump test as well as calibration / adjustment automatically is a very short time. For monitoring gases in manholes, sewer, rooms and containers before entering, a motorised pump can be attached easily. The high performance pump takes samples over long distances and is activated by a single button. The pump has its own, autonomous power supply and does not affect the run time of the MICRO IV. The MICRO IV detects a wide range of toxic gases, hydrogen and oxygen by means of electrochemical sensors.
Posted by besar at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gas Detection Tool
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The 4CF+ Carbon Monoxide Sensor and The 4HS+ Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor
City Technology (UK) has released the new generation of two of its most popular gas sensors, the 4CF+ carbon monoxide sensor and the 4HS+ hydrogen sulfide sensor. The existing 4CF and 4HS sensors are widely used by the leading global manufactures of single and multi-gas detection instruments for life safety applications. The latest designs build on the feed back gained from the tens of millions of devices in the field to offer significantly reduced calibration times, improved reliability, reduced sensitivity variation between devices and complete backwards mechanical compatibility with previous generations.
A number of design improvements and highly automated volume manufacturing and test techniques have contributed to the new sensors enhanced performance. All pins are gold plated, lowering contact resistance with the socket and improving reliability in use, particularly in situations where the instrument is likely to be subjected to shock or vibration. The ultrasonic welding of the internal current collector wires has been improved to give a higher quality, more uniform weld, improving reliability and reducing early failures. At various stages during the manufacturing process, 24 different parameters are tested, each stage of the assembly process is optically monitored and automated part placement reduces variations between devices, ensuring error free assembly.
A 100% leak test on the electrode sealing is an integral part of the manufacturing process, resulting in a significant increase in field reliability by eliminating one of the more common failures models found in sensors manufactures by others. More than ten million units have been shipped to date; the overall return rate from the field is an exceptionally low 0.006%, mainly because of the pre-emptive testing carried out at every stage of manufacturing. The latest generation promises even better reliability.
Posted by besar at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gas Detection Tool
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Climate 'diagnosis' is Strak Message for Politicians
It may sound like a thriller, but The Copenhagen Diagnosis is not an enjoyable read. It's a stark update on the state of our environment in time for next month's summit on climate change in the Danish capital.
In the report, an international team of climate scientists warns policy-makers that levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are at the extreme end of predictions made only in 2007, and that natural CO2 sinks such as oceans are becoming saturated.
Also, sea level rise is almost 80 per cent higher than some predictions, says co-author Tim Lenton at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK.
The team stresses that even a little warming could cause irreversible melting of ice sheets and turn dense Amazon forests into dry savannah grassland. "We may be heading towards these climate 'tipping points' earlier than we thought," Lenton says. The report calls for drastic action, including cutting CO2 emissions to almost zero by 2100 to prevent catastrophic climate change.
By : Jessica Hamzelou
Posted by besar at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Environmental News
A Revolution in On-line Liquid Analysis
BioTector Analytical System Ltd. (Ireland) manufactures an innovative range of on-line liquid analysers, which apply a totally new approach to eliminating the many problems associated with on-line TOC, TN and TP meausrement. The BioTector is designed to analyze everything-from clean water to the most corrosive and polluted samples, with no filtering requirements. It's patented oxidation method is what makes the BioTector unique. This oxidation process, known as Two Stage Advanced Oxidation (TSAO) is extremely aggressive and is therefore totally self cleaning (Hydroxyl Radicals at an oxidation potential of 2.8 is only below fluorine.
The reaction is unaffected by Chlorides (salts) up to 30% and the system can handle oils, fats, and calcium up to 12.5%. Hence the BioTector is deemed to be the most reliable on-line liquid analyzer on the market, with 6 month service intervals and <99.7% uptime with an accuracy of +/- 3%. It is designed so that there is no drift and therefore calibration is not required for the correct operation of the system. The BioTector makes direct measurements without dilution in 6.5 minutes (TOC) and on a wide variety of ranges from 0-5 mg c/l all the way up to 100,000mg c/l. Up to 86,000 samples per year can be successfully measured by the BioTector and the analyzers can be calibrated to read TOC, TN, NO3, TKN, TP, COD, BOD, TC, TIC and VOC, there are now over 500 BioTector unit installed world wide, many of which are operating in applications that would have been impossible with conventional technologies.
Posted by besar at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Climate Change Gives Ancient Trees Growth Spurt
Rising temperatures are causing some of the oldest trees on Earth to grow faster, new research suggests. But the change might not benefit the climate – it may simply cause the trees to die more quickly.
Previous research (pdf) suggested that Great Basin bristlecone pines located in the mountains of western US are growing more rapidly. But the reason for the growth spurt – and whether or not it is unusual – was unclear.A new analysis of tree rings suggests that the growth spurt is indeed unprecedented: bristlecone pines have grown faster in the past 50 years than they have in 3.7 millennia.
"This well-designed study suggests that climate change is the factor causing the growth spurt," says Greg Wiles, who reconstructs past climates using tree rings at Wooster College in Ohio.
Growth in old age
Matthew Salzer of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona in Tucson and colleagues took cores from ancient trees at three sites in the White Mountains of eastern California and the Ruby mountains of Nevada. They then measured the width of 420,000 rings from pines within 150 metres of their uppermost range, and noted their age. Lastly, the team compared trends in tree ring width with modelled and reconstructed trends in local temperature.
Tree rings in the last half a century have been 0.58 millimetres wide on average, compared to 0.38 mm wide in the 4750 years preceding the period, the study found. What's more, the growth spurt appears to be accelerating: between 2001 and 2005, tree ring widths were almost twice as great as they were before 1951, says Salzer, with an average width of 0.68 millimetres. The changes in tree-ring width are closely correlated with temperature, the study concludes: recent warming in western US is the best explanation for last century's unprecedented growth spurt.
Human impact
"This is a cautionary tale," says Michael Mann, who uses tree rings to gain insights into past climates at Pennsylvania State University's Earth System Science Center, most famously to create the "hockey stick" graph showing an increase in temperature. "Only the human impact of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations can explain that warming."
Christof Bigler of the department of environmental sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich agrees that the growth spurt may be a warning sign. He says that if the ancient trees grow more rapidly they may simply die younger.
But not everyone thinks that the growth spurt is a bad thing. "In the sense of reducing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, it is actually a good thing that these old trees are kicking into life again," says Jinbao Li of the Tree Ring Lab at Columbia University in Palisades, New York.
It's also possible that the growth spurt is partly due to a rise in CO2 levels, which may "fertilise" forests, says Iain Robertson of the School of the Environment and Society at Swansea University, UK. "Temperature only explains about a quarter of the variance in ring widths, so CO2 fertilisation could still play a minor role."
By : Shanta Barley
Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0903029106
Posted by besar at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Environmental News
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The SePem 01 Monitor for Water Leak Detection
The new noise logger as an innovative extension to the SePem range of products. The new generation of SEWERIN (Germany) noise loggers is small and compact. The combination of SePem 01 and communication appliance SePem 01 - master is one backed up with convincing arguments. The SePem 01 noise logger is designed for fixed deployment for water leak detection purposes. the heart of each and every logger is a newly developed, highly sensitive microphone for recording leak noises. It's specification are such as to permit large distances- even in the case of non-metallic piping - between the measurement points. Thanks to it's novel housing geometry, the logger can be installed either horizontally or vertically. Whether underground fire hydrant or gate valves at varying installation depths - SePem 01 fits in everywhere! A digital high-performance wireless link with automatic error correction exchanges data between logger SePem 01 and communicator SePem 01 - Master. The control vehicle crosses the measurement point and receives all data without any being lost.
State-of-the-art technology is inside the lightweight and handy casing of the SePem 01 - Master communicator. The user soon learns to appreciate the perfected menu control. Even though no separate software is needed, numerous functions are on hand for programming the loggers and presenting the readings. Thanks to the easy, intuitive operation of the SePem 01 - Master, users with only a smattering of PC knowledge very quickly obtain precision findings. Summaristing : the logger and communicator combination features precise measurements thanks to the highly-sensitive microphone together with powerful radio data transmission and evaluation of readings directly on the spot.
Posted by besar at 9:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Trace Level Determination of Perfluorinated Compounds in Water using Ion Chromatography
The human and environmental exposure potential of perfluorinated alkyl sub-stance such as perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) has become the subject of intense research. Metrohm (Switzerland) presents an easy-to-use and economic direct-injection method for PFOA and PFOS determination in drinking water. The currently used method for the determination of anionic perfluorinated surfactant is LC-MS/MS. The analytical methods for the determination of PFOS and PFOA in water samples generally employ a C18-SPE column, either with or without ion pairing or acidification, followed by LC-MS/MS. However, this method suffers from relatively high runn-ing and investment cost.
The new Metrohm method is a good alternative regarding both investment on instrumentation and usability. The method is based on surpressed ion chromatography with isocratic elution on a reserved-phase column thermostated at 35'C using an aqueous mobile phase containing boric acid and acetonitrile. The used detection technique is conductivity. While PFOA and PFOS determination in low salt-containing water samples can be performed using straightforward direct injection chromatography, samples with higher alkaline-earth-metal concentration, e.g. tap, lake, sludge or river water samples, should pass over a cation exchanger such as Metrohm's Sample Prepation Module <
Posted by besar at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
TurbiCheck With Infra-Red Light Source
The compact Lovibond infrared turbidity meter TurbiCheck from Tintometer (Germany) is designed to allow fast, precise on-site testing. The unit measures the scattered light at an angle of 90' , as stipulated in EN ISO 7027. The wide measuring range from 0.01 - 1100 TE/F = NTU = FNU makes the instrument suitable for various applications, ranging from drinking water to waste water. As infrared light is used for measurement purposes, the unit can be used to test both coloured and colourless liquids.
Highlight :
1. Range 0.01 - 1100 NTU
2. Measurement with infrared light at an angle of 90'
3. Measurement of coloured liquids
4. Easy handling
5. 600 tests without battery change
Posted by besar at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dissolved Oxygen Optical Sensor Designed for Process Applications
The new Rugged Dissolved Oxygen (RDO) PRO sensor from In-Situ (USA) is designed for demanding process applications and features an abrasion-resistant foil that withstands fouling, high sediment loads, and rapid flow rates. The sensor cap is preloaded with calibration coefficients to speed set up and eliminate programming errors. The RDO PRO sensor offers open-architecture communication protocols, including Modbus over RS485, SDI-12 (version 1.3), or 4-20 mA signal outputs. The RDO PRO eliminates the need for costly external transmitters or controllers and operates on a 8 to 36 VDC input or 4-20 mA three wire current loop. Corrosion-resistant construction and durable sensing foil design provide consistent, reproducible results (<0.05 mg/L reproducibility) in demanding environments. The RDO PRO offers reliable, low-maintenance to water quality specialists in municipal or industrial water and wastewater treatment plants, aquaculture settings, dam discharge applications, and food/beverage process control environments.
The In-Situ RDO sensor measure Dissolved Oxygen using the principle of "dynamic luminescene quenching" according to ASTM Method D888-05, Test Method C. Compared to Clark-cell type sensors, the RDO PRO sensor can lower the total cost of acquiring consistent, high-quality data. Th In-Situ RDO sensor significantly reduces instrument checks and recalibration. The RDO PRO sensor is factory-calibrated and requires a quick two-point calibration upon deployment. The calibration can last for several months if sensor fouling is minimal and if the foil is not mechanically damaged or removed. If fouling is high, the sensor can typically be cleaned and redeployed without recalibration. Field-replaceable caps streamline maintenance, reduces costs, and eliminate programming errors.
Posted by besar at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Pumps Help Oceanographic Research to Measure Carbon Dioxide is Seawater
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has developed a miniaturized observation device to measure carbon dioxide (CO2) in seawater, relying on Tecan's (Switzerland) Cavro XCalibur Pump for accurate automated pipetting. JAMSTEC is involved in a wide range of basic marine-related research, including collection and dissemination of information that helps to understand changes in the earth's environment. It is one of the activities of the japan EOS Promotion Program, funded by MEXT, Japan. "It is necessary to monitor CO2 concentrations in order to predict future climate change," explained Dr. Yoshiyuki Nakano, Research Scientist at JAMSTEC's Mutsu Institute for Oceanography in Aomori, Japan. " We developed a device that calculates the CO2 concentration in seawater by analyzing a pH indicator solution, using two Cavro XCalibur pumps to aspirate and mix pure water and concentrated pH indicator for each measurement. The volumes of indicator and water used are critical for reliable results, and the accuracy of the Cavro XCalibur Pump allows us to achieve exactly the concentration we aim for, while the pump's broad selectable volume range allows us to choose the exact concentration we want".
"We also chose the Cavro XCalibur Pump because an important design goal was to make the CO2 sensor small and light; the pump also offered high accuracy and was capable of maintenance-free operation for long periods, " added Dr. Nakano.
Posted by besar at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Monday, November 16, 2009
Profiline 3000: Single-Parameter Handhelds from WTW
WTW GmbH proudly announces their new ProfiLine 3000 series of single parameter handheld instruments. All models have a rugged waterproof housing with IP 66/67 protection class. A separate battery compartment allows easy exchange of batteries or the use of rechargeable batteries. A technical highlight is the special silicone keypad with sealed surface and the feeling of "real" keys. it provides an excellent operation and is easy to clean. The instruments have continuous operation times of up to 2500 h with one battery pack (4 x 1.5 V AA). Three model lines are offered :
1. The 3110 series for pH or conductivity measurement are functional and easy-to-use handhelds for standard measurement.
2. The 3210 series for pH, D.O. , or conductivity measurement has a backlit graphical display, a plain text menu and a special CMC function to ensure that the measurement is taken within the calibration range. The series also has enhanced measurement capabilities.
3. The 3310 series for pH, D.O. , conductivity measurement is a true highlight: An automatic datalogger with memory for 5000 records and a 100% waterproof USB interface make them perfect for long term recording in the field and for fast data transfer to laptop or PC.
Posted by besar at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
New Brochure and Webpage 'Water Analysis'
Of the numerous hazardous substances found in water, about 200 guideline values have been listed by the WHO. However, which method to choose to determine which substance? Metrohm's new brochure [water analysis] provides answer. Metrohm's complete know how (instrument an applications) on water analysis is accessible on the new homepage 'water analysis', which can be ordered free of charge, is a condensed summary of the company's comprehensive know-how in the analysis of water in its various forms and uses drinking water, sea water, water for pharmaceutical use, ultrapure water, cooling water and boiler feed water, process water and waste water.
Using the most important national and international standards (DIN, EPA, ISO,ASTM) as a matrix, 'Water analysis' suggest method and instrumentation suited best to check the respective parameters. Methods include pH and conductivity measurement, titration, ion chromatography, voltammetry, atline and online process analysis. ' Water analysis' is of great value for anyone who is involved in the professional quality assurance of water. The easiest way to access Metrohm's (Switzerland) complete know-how on water analysis is the website Here you can find a multitude of applications as well as information on analytical instrumentation for water analysis. Downloads are free of charge.
Posted by besar at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Reliable Measurements Also in Polluted Water
Requirements on the quality of water above all depend on the application. Depending on the purpose of use and application of water, the raw water is to be treated correspondingly. Chlorine dioxide has long been known as disinfectant in drinking water treatment and is now also increasingly used for oxidation and disinfection of polluted waters such as industrial, process, and cooling water. The chlorine concentrations prescribed by EU directives can be met by using the corresponding measuring and control technology. In order to avoid random sampling, monitoring can be implemented reliably and comfortably with amperometric sensors by ProMinent (Germany). ProMinent have launched their new dirt-tolerant chlorine dioxide sensor CDR 1 mA.
The design of the sensor type CDR 1-mA was modified such that it can be used especially in polluted industrial, process and waste water as well as in cooling water applications or surfactant-polluted waters. This is ensured by a dirt-tolerant, non-porous diaphragm protect the sensitive measuring electrodes against the sample medium. The diaphragm protect because it is permeable for chlorine dioxide but not for interfering dissolved and undissolved water components. The sensors provides a temperature-compensated 4...20 mA signal for measurements in a temperature range of 1 to 55'C. Precise measurements can be realised in a pH range of 1 to 10.0.
Posted by besar at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Portable and Stationary Sampler
This special sampler in the DUO version is offered by the company QH SERVIS (Chezh Republic) in both portable and stationary versions. The sampler contains two independent sampling units with a peristaltic pump enabling two mutually independent sampling modes. The sampler is suitable for sampling from two locations or from two different depths. The device equipped with an easy to use control unit controlled from the external memory in the configuration connector (identical with simply sampler), or Bond-oo-Check module with real time clock enabling logging of sampling data including sample temperature and connected analog signal value ( identical with Soft Sampler samplers). Each sampling unit standardly equipped with analog input for flowmeter signal, controlling the sample volume depending on the immediate flow, and digital inputs for remote control.
Posted by besar at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
The TC Series for Suspended Solids Monitoring Sensor
Optex (Japan) provide various sensors for Water Quality Monitoring that contribute to environmental protection which are easy to use at a low cost. Optex's main product are th TC series of suspended solids meter and turbidimeter. The TC series has 4 measurement range, 0-100, 0-500, 0-3000 FTU and 0-500 mg/l. The TS-200 allows 24 hour automatic suspended solids monitoring and has three main features which include, built-in wiper to keep lenses clean and practically maintenance free, scratch-proof sapphire windows as well as light gathering technology with specially designed lenses to enlarge the images of the water in 3 dimensions to enable accurate measurement. The transmitter, SC-T3 and SC-T4 can indicate 4-20 mA signal output, alarm relay output and self checking relay output. Calibration of the TS-200 can be performed out of water.
Posted by besar at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Groundwater Monitoring-Low-flow Purging and Sampling
Geotech (UK) Ground water monitoring. This new extensive white paper of some 3,300 words with cases studies and illustrations examines best practice and the 'state-of-the-art' in low flow Purging and Sampling. It finds: "Significant time saving, improved sample process integrity, quality assurance and minimal quantities of potentially contaminated purge water - are attractive as the focus on groundwater quality sharpens and economics demand best cost-benefit based methods."
As each country looks more closely at its water resources and maintaining water quality, considerations on water sampling and techniques become more important. For any source, there is and obvious need for sampling process integrity to be able to sample accurately, reliably and repeatably, in compliance with rules and guidelines thus achieving quality assurance - and as economically as possible.
Posted by besar at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
The New Isco 2150EX for Instrinsically Safe Area-Velocity Flowmeter
The new Isco 2150EX Flowmeter is the intrinsically safe version of Isco's (USA) modular area-velocity flow system. The 2150EX is designed and Baseefa-approved foe use in potentially Explosive Atmosphere (category 1G) under the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC. Powered by two lithium batteries, the 2150EX uses highly efficient power management to achieve battery life up to 9 months with two-minute data storage interval. Rechargeable batteries and an AC-Powered Network Interface Module provide great flexibility for a variety of long-and short-term monitoring applications. Isco's exclusive variable rate data storage enables programmable changes in the data interval, to further extend battery life and provide more detailed data only during unusual flow events.
Area velocity flow measurement provides greater accuracy in open-channel applications where weirs and flumes are not practical, and where submerged, full pipe, surcharged, and reverse flow conditions may occur. Applications for the 2150EX flowmeter include : portable and permanent-site AV flow monitoring foe inflow/infiltration, sewer overflow, and other sewer studies; Measuring shallow flows in small pipes. The low-profile Area Velocity sensor minimises flow stream obstruction and senses velocity in flows down to 25 mm in depth; level measurement in potentially explosive area such as manholes, digesters, and storage tanks. the 2150EX stores sata continuosly in"flash" memory to protect againts loss in case of power failure. Isco's versatile Flowlink Software provides site setup as well as retrieval and analysis of stored data.
Posted by besar at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
The SC-TOC-A Gas Generator for TOC Analysers
Peak Scientific(UK) a pioneer in the development of laboratory gas generators, are proud to introduce the SC-TOC-A. This generator has been specifically designed to operated TOC-Analysers, producing the required flow rates, purities & pressures to cater for TOC analysers. The SC-TOC-A has been tested extensively in the field by SWAN Environmental India, authorised Shimadzu Distributor for TOC. SWAN have approved this generator model to provide gas for both, NPOC and TC-IC Applications. The generator operates on the principle of catalytic oxidation to effectively remove hydrocarbons (as CH4) to less than 0.1 ppm while 'Pressure Swing Adsorption' Technology reduces the moisture content of the gas.
The SC-TOC-A is the only TOC generator on the market today, featuring an internal air compressor, thus offering a stand-alone solution, independent from external air sources. Gas generators are our only business : With this dedication, we are sure to offer you a convenient, reliable, and cost effective gas supply. Our products are supported by a worldwide team of dedicated technical specialists, resulting in service capabilities that are second to none.
Posted by besar at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
US EPA Approved Gas Analyzer Series from Ecotech
Ecotech, one of the worlds leading manufacturers of environmental monitoring equipment, is pleased to announce US EPA approval for its new serinus gas analyzer range. According to Ecotech's General Manager, Nicholas Dal Sasso, the approval are a vital step in the global launch of the new product line. "We are pleased to obtain U.S. EPA approval for the entire range of Serinus gas analyzer," said Mr. Dal Sasso." We are confident that the Serinus will give customers the performance they need, with Ecotech's proven reliability, but at a much lower total cost of ownership."
Further specialist models, including precursor trace gas analyzer, will be progessively released from 2010 onwards. The Serinus series ambient gas analyzer derives it's name from genus (group) of the canary, which was the first effective 'method' used to detect harmful gases in coalmines. just as the humble canary helped protect the health of early coal miners, so too will the new gas analyzers play their part in helping deliver a cleaner, safer, healthier global environment.
If you would like to know more about the Serinus gas analyzer please visit : or email :
Posted by besar at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Air Monitoring Tool
EnviMan Software for Waste Incinerators
Opsis (Sweden) has developed new software for reporting of emissions according to the EC directive for waste incinerators (2000/76/EC). The software is called EnviMan and meets the requirements set by the EC authorities. The software is also capable of handling similar reports, such as reporting to local authorities. EnviMan generates report in Excel format by using templates. It is an easy task for the user to modify the standard withheld templates to customise the reports. The reports are separated into daily reports with 10 minute, 30 minute and hourly averages. EnviMan also generates weekly reports, monthly reports and yearly reports based on daily averages and exceeding values according to the EC directive.
Posted by besar at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Air Monitoring Tool
The Supreme Line CLD for Measuring NOx
The Supreme Line CLD from Eco Physics (Switzerland) have all the features that researchers always wanted. The operator can concentrated on science, while his tool measures continuously and automatically NOx. With immediate response time, with highest sensitivity for all background ambient monitoring needs (from a few ppb down to 10 ppt), with automatic chemical zero compensation, with selectivity linearity, etc. There is one word for this new instrument : Supreme!
And if it comes to number crunching : This analyzer offers an integrated hard disk with nearly unlimited storage capacity for data logging purposes. The structured SQL database allows an easy way of exporting data. Of course, interfacing is up to date with not only RS232, but ethernet connections. You benefit from fewer and hidden external connections. The instrument has a compact design and requires less space in racks. with its tilted and adjustable front panel the readability of displayed information is vastly improved. The first unit has been tested in a remote location for over one year and has proven its full capability : Supreme Performance!
Posted by besar at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Air Monitoring Tool
Weather Data Critical to Pollution Monitoring
We all know that accurate, relevant data is important to making the best management decisions possible. The quality of that data is even more relevant when monitoring sensitive sites, or trying to ensure increasingly stringent environmental license conditions are met. Question such as ; When do we need to be careful of emissions drift and put management strategies into place ? How much rain have we had, will there be overflow or leachate issues to deal with ? What were the evaporation rates last week?
Your site will almost certainly experience weather conditions that will be quite different from what the weather bureau records. You will have your own micro-climate, with unique wind movement, rainfall, temperature and evaporation rates. With on site conditions that can vary wildly from the official report, collecting on-site weather data is becoming increasingly important. So how do you collect accurate, relevant and reliable weather data for your site? The answer is to install your own Environdata (Australia) automatic weather station, to keep historical records, provide live data on demand, provide the information you need to be confident in the management decisions you make, with accurate records to back you up. Not all weather stations are created equal. With an Environdata weather station - a true professional station - you will receive the quality you deserve, PLUS 10 years free phone and email support, high quality windows software, full system integration capability, quality back up, service and advice.
Posted by besar at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Air Monitoring Tool
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
XC-6000EPC Automated Mercury Sampler for Stationary Sources
The Apex Instruments (USA) XC-6000EPC Automated MercSampler, is the industry standard for mercury sorbent trap monitoring systems. Designed for continuous sampling of vapor-phase mercury emissions from stationary combustion sources, the XC-6000EPC meter console is fully automated. Paired samples are extracted from the flue gas for the desired time period, from several minutes to several days. Samples are analyzed for determining time-averaged emissions. The XC-6000EPC simplifies sampling requirements by automating data acquisition, sample flow adjustments, leak checks, calculations, temperature control and calibrations. all raw data can be easily transferred to a Microsoft windows XP-based PC through Ethernet, USB or an optional wireless interface. The meter console controls the sample flow rate proportionally to the stack flow rate and determines the standardized volume extracted through each sorbent trap. In addition to performing as an Appendix K primary system, this unique unit can be used as a back-up monitoring system(redundant or non-redundant) or to perform U.S. EPA Reference Method 30B relative accuracy testing audit (RATA), system certification testing or low mercury emitter determination testing.
Also manufactured by Apex Instruments for use with the XC-6000PC are dual sorbent trap heated sampling probes, heated sample transfer lines and Stirling gas coolers for conditioning the gas by removing moisture and scrubbing corrosives out of the gas stream before the gas enters the meter console. To perform quarterly audits, Apex Instruments offers the AK-6000 Audit Kit a secondary reference dry gas meter with optical encoder, digital quadrature totalizer (15-point calibration), handheld digital barometer, thermocouple sim ulator, thermometer, type K thermocouple, 6" thermocouple "Y" adapter and vacuum insulated ice bath.
The latest addition to the Apex mercury sampling line of products is the MercSampler Automated Software : HGCalc. This new add-on software package uses sample run data and trap analysis. The sample run data from the MercSampler XC-6000EPC is imported in to the application, where total mercury mass, hourly and total mercury emissions are calculated. The software insures the specifications in 40CFR, part 75 are met. The software will also verify QA/QC specifications regarding section 2 breakthrough, relative deviation, and section 3 spike recovery as shown in Appendix K, table K-1. This application is used to import XC-6000 sample run data and trap analysis data to perform calculations for Appendix K. When all calculations are done and data verified this can be exported currently in text / PDF format and will be available in an XML report format in the near future.
Posted by besar at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Air Monitoring Tool
Denox (SCR) Plants Urea is Added to Reduced NOx
Innovative Gas sampling solution deals with Ammonium Bisulphate and other condensing salts. M&C (Germany) has developed a special sampling technique for continuous measurement of flue gas from DENOX (SCR) plants where NH3 or Urea is added to reduce NOx. this new sampling technique has also proved beneficial for other processes with problematic salt formation,e.g. glass production and FCC on refineries. With temperatures of <300'C, ammonium salts can form from the chemical reaction of free NH3 and SO2/SO3 in the flue gas. This salification blocks up filters and sample lines in a short time.
The special M&C gas sample probe SP2000-H320/S offers a good solution. In order to prevent blockage due to salification, the probe temperature is controlled above 300'C, keeping the salts in the vapour phase. At the outlet of the probe filter, the gas passes into a glass separator vessel filled with glass balls to extend the surface for salt formation. Inherent moisture and solubility of salts means the resulting solution can be easily pumped away, providing a self-cleaning mechanism. A range of accessories complement this probe including different probe tube materials, calibration gas management, blow-back and external temperature control
Posted by besar at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Air Monitoring Tool
Sunday, November 8, 2009
XRF Alpha Series For Positive Material Indentification (PMI)
Ashtead Technology (SEA) (Asia) offers one of the smallest, fastest and most versatile innov-X handheld XRF Aplha Series Positive Material Identification Analyzer for quality contor, non-destructive testing and metal recycling, without radioactivity. The Innov-X handheld XRF has become the preferred analyzer for petrochemical, production/power and fabrication industries. It is widely accepted for alloy verification in nearly every major refinery, the nuclear power industry, and by leading alloy producers and fabricators.
Applications for this Positive Material Identification analyzer include alloy analysis for quality control, non-destructive testing and metal recycling. The Innov-X has flexible and friendly software allowing three modes operation. Fast ID Mode provides rapid spectral signature matching for grade identification plus alloy chemistry. Analytical Mode provides a full chemistry analysis using the method of fundamental parameters, plus grade matching to grade table specifications. Pass/Fail Mode is a rapid sorting mode. The operator selects a standard from a fingerprint library for Pass/Fail comparison. The decision criteria can be spectral signature matching, or chemistry, or chemistry ranges for one or more elements.
The Innov-X analyzer is also used for in-situ testing of metals in soil, bagged or prepared soil samples. It can be equipped with the environmental metals in soils module to identify and quantify Titanium, Barium, chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Mercury, Arsenic, Selenium, Lead, etc. The Innov-X tube-based Alpha Series is isotope free and delivery instant, accurate readings. It features a miniature X-ray tube and high-resolution detector. Engineered around the HP iPAQ pocket PC, the alpha series is user-friendly, flexible and upgradeable, and has a bright color display for easy viewing in all lighting conditions and a rear-facing LCD display. It is now available for rental at Ashtead Technology (SEA) Pte Ltd.
Features include : Tube-based system eliminates costly resourcing and loss of speed: multi-element Analysis - in one measurement; Definitive Pos./Neg. Classifications, Ergonomic, lightweight design;Versatile PDA platform and Easily measures uneven surfaces.
Posted by besar at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Environmental Analysis Tool
The EE061 Humidity Transmitter Series with 4-20 mA Output
The new transmitter of the series EE061, in the form of a slim probe from E+E Elektronik (Austria), allows for the precise measurement of the relative humidity in air from 0...100% RH. The main challenge in the development was to deal with the heat generated by the current output. The latest microprocessor technology in combination with excellent temperature compensation and a special design of the electronics have solved this problem.
The EE061 unifies outstanding measurement accuracy with a compact design and a 4 - 20 mA current output. The electronic board integrated in the probe is protected from external influences by a potting compound of very high quality and therefore usable from -40 to 60'C. In combination with the for years now proven quality of the E+E coating of the humidity sensor, is the transmitter insensitive to dust, dirt and condensation. The EE061 allows for stable long term measurements in demanding applications like outside, in stables, storage room, or greenhouses.
All important information for the user is engraved on the 160 mm long sensor probe by means of a laser and will be still legible after several years of use. The supply voltage for the EE061 is 9 - 28 Vdc. Indifferent of how the probe is connected the protection against reverse polarity prevents installation errors. The fixed connection cable is 0.5 meter or 3 meter long. It is possible to have an optional 4-wire passive (sink) temperature output. The available accessories like a mounting flange and a radiation shield for outdoor applications completes the flexibility of these series.
Posted by besar at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Environmental Analysis Tool
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The PDV6000 Plus for On-Site Analysis of Heavy Metals
The PDV6000 plus is the latest generation of portable instruments from MTI (UK) which provide excellent accuracy and convenience when performing on site heavy metal analysis in water or soil. Building upon the reputation of the PDV6000, which is globally accepted as the benchmark system, the PDV6000 plus boasts a range of software and hardware improvements. It further improves data quality by lowering detection limits, improving reproducibility, providing extra resolution of potential interferences and improved correlation with standard laboratory methods. Defensible real time decisions can therefore be made on site, reducing cost, whilst improving site characterisations.
Keeping a large number of the features and accessories that made the PDV6000 so successful, the PDV6000plus is taking on site metal monitoring to next level
Posted by besar at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Soil Analysis Tool
Laboratory Disk Mill "Pulverisette 13"
Fritsch's (Germany) recommendation for all processing laboratories with a continuous delivery of dried soil samples, sewage sludge, hydrological sediments, drilling cores for batch or continuous fine grinding. The maximum feed particles size is approx. 20 mm edge lenght. The fineness attainable (d50) is down to approx. 12 mm (largest gap width) or 0.1 mm (smallest gap width). The maximum throughput of 150kg/h depends on the gap setting and the hardness of the sample. The relatively large throughput enables it to be used in the pilot scale or in the small size production, for example : slag-disintegration for the reclamation of precious metals.
The material to be ground is crushed between two counteracting grinding disks with course radial toothing on the inside as a result of compressive and shearing stresses. The staged toothing means that the material is preground in the inner chamber of the grinding disks before being finely ground in the outer chamber. The gap width between the two grinding disks is set from the outside - also during operation - and determines the fineness of the end product.
Posted by besar at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Soil Analysis Tool
Monday, November 2, 2009
The SenSafeT Free Chlorine Water Check Regulatory Drinking Water
Municipal Drinking water treatment plants now have a rapid (40 seconds), accurate, and low-cost option for regulatory drinking water compliance monitoring without the worries of indicator "bleach-out" or monochloramine interferences. The SenSafeT free chlorine water check is now U.S. EPA APPROVED. This test available for compliance testing as describe in the United State Federal Register. SenSafeT free chlorine water check can now be treated as an equivalent to other free chlorine test kits. In the original recommendation letter from U.S. EPA it was stated : "We (EPA) believe that the ITS test strips will provide the regulatory community with a valuable option for monitoring free chlorine levels in drinking water.
As an alternative to DPD, SenSafeT free chlorine test strips avoid the errors inherent to currently available test methods. no powder, tablets, liquids, instruments, technical training, or MSDS is required. And, since the test strips are non-hazardous normal waste disposal may be used. All of these factors make SenSafeT free chlorine water check the safe, accurate, easy, and affordable water testing solution
Posted by besar at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
SITRANS FUP1010 Weatherproof Portable Flowmeter
SITRANS FUP1010 Portable Clamp-on Hybrid Flowmeter, housed in a rugged watertight enclosure, utilities either Transmit-Time or Reflexor operation mode to allow operation on virtually all full pipe liquid applications. Pipe sizes range from 1/4 to 360 inches. Options include a pipe wall thickness gauge and single or dual channel or path operation. A large data logger provides long term storage of measured variables. Standard daata inputs/outputs are included and supported. This meter is ideal for almost all water and wastewater measurement applications, including potable water, chemicals, raw sewage, sludges, liquids with medium to heavy suspended solids or aeration and temporary measurements during storm events.
Posted by besar at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Water / Wastewater Tool
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The EC410 Oxygen Sensor
The latest addition to e2v's (UK) broad range of gas sensors. The EC410 is a RoHS complaint oxygen sensor that contains no lead, has a greatly increased life span and is significantly lower mass compared to other similar product. The EC410 Oxygen Sensor is the only RoHS compliant oxygen sensor available on the market today. It has a longer life expectancy than comparable lead based sensors, it is extremely light-weight with very low power consumption at a standard 4 series size. e2v also offers the option to personalise and brand.
Posted by besar at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gas Detection Tool
The BM25 Tranportable Multi Gas Area Monitor
Industrial Scientific Corporation (USA) have announced that is has launched the BM25 Multiguard transportable multi-gas area monitor. Capable of monitoring from one to five gases through diffusion or sample draw, the BM25 Multiguard packs the benefits of a fixed-system area monitor into an easily transpotable, yet rugged instrument. Designed for team protection or area surveillance, the unit is most suitable for perimeter monitoring, rig overhauls and mobile or short-term work in areas where fixed detection systems are not suitable.
There are 17 interchangeable "smart" sensor options available for the BM25, making the system easily adaptable to a variety of applications and industries. When the BM25 detects a hazardouz level of oxygen, toxic or combustible gas, the top-mounted beacon sends a flashing, bright signal in all directions while emitting a powerful, 103 dB siren alarm. Capable of monitoring up to five gases simultaneously, the BM25 can be used as a stand-alone monitor or wired so that alarm signals transfer from one unit to another. This setup can create a safety perimeter around a detected atmospheric hazard, or transmit a manually initiated emergency signal over a wide area.
The BM25 comes standard with a NiMH battery pack offering 100 hours of continuous run time. Long-term area monitoring is possible in hazardous locations with an intrinsically safe trickle charge power supply. Also standard are STEL and TWA readings and nearly four months of data logging capacity for a five gas configuration.
Posted by besar at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gas Detection Tool
BM25 Multiguard Tranportable Multi Gas Area Monitor
Industrial Scientific Corporation (USA) have announced that is launched the BM25 Multiguard transportable multi-gas area monitor. Capable of monitoring from one to five gases through diffusion or sample draw, the BM25 Multiguard packs the benefits of a fixed-system area monitor into an easily transportable, yet rugged instrument. Designed for team protection or area surveillance, the unit is most suitable for perimeter monitoring, rig overhauls, and mobile or short-term work in areas where fixed detection systems are not suitable.
There are 17 interchangeable "smart" sensor available for the BM25, making the system easily adaptable to a variety of applications and industries. When the BM25 detects a hazardous level of oxygen, toxic or combustible gas, the top-mounted beacon sends a flashing, bright signal in all directions while emitting a powerful, 103 dB siren alarm. Capable of monitoring up to five gases simultaneously, the BM25 can be used as a stand alone monitor or wired so that alarm signals transfer from one unit to another. This setup can create a safety perimeter around a detected atmospheric hazard, or transmit a manually initiated emergency signal over a wide area.
The BM25 comes standard with a NiMH battery pack offering 100 hours of continuous run time. Long-term area monitoring is possible in hazardous locations with an intrinsically safe trickle charge power supply. Also standard are STEL and TWA readings and nearly four months of datalogging capacity for a five gas configuration
Posted by besar at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gas Detection Tool
Researchers Must Stay on The Moral High Ground

But the charge that the emails are proof of a climate change swindle is ludicrous. As we report (see "Hacked archive provides fodder for climate sceptics"), there is no evidence in the hundreds of emails that data is being systematically falsified or dishonestly manipulated in refereed journals.

"Climate researchers have been inundated with what feel like malicious demands for their data"
They deserve to be protected. The trouble is that there should also be a place in the scientific dialogue for critics to make their views known, for the heretics who are not part of the scientific consensus.
Researchers being paid from the public purse should not treat their detractors as enemies but make reasonable attempts to engage with them honestly, no matter how unpalatable their views. Nor should they ask each other to delete emails - in response, apparently, to a freedom of information request. Scientists in general need to address how such destructive antagonism can be prevented, before the flow of research data dwindles. If that were to happen, science itself becomes the victim.
Source : here
The MICRO IV Flexible Single Gas Detector
The MICRO IV provide 3 programmable alarm thresholds for toxic gases. The warning occurs when the programmed values are exceeded. For toxic gases the MICRO IV provides additional alarms for exceeded STEL or TWA values. The audible alarm (95 dB(A)) of the MICRO IV is noticeable even in noisy environments. The three alarm levels can be distinguished by different frequencies. Two extremely bright flashing LEDs indicate gas alarm. The alarm levels are distinguished by different flashing frequencies. The data logger saves up to 200 events. Alarm thresholds A1, A2, A3 as well as STEL and TWA are stored together with time and gas concentration. Data is stored continuously, old data is overwritten.
The MICRO IV provides an infrared interface for data transfer via PC, the data interface, for quick device configuration or via dockingstation, which allows execution of the daily bump test as well as calibration / adjustment automatically is a very short time. For monitoring gases in manholes, sewer, rooms and containers before entering, a motorised pump can be attached easily. The high performance pump takes samples over long distances and is activated by a single button. The pump has its own, autonomous power supply and does not affect the run time of the MICRO IV. The MICRO IV detects a wide range of toxic gases, hydrogen and oxygen by means of electrochemical sensors.
The 4CF+ Carbon Monoxide Sensor and The 4HS+ Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor
A number of design improvements and highly automated volume manufacturing and test techniques have contributed to the new sensors enhanced performance. All pins are gold plated, lowering contact resistance with the socket and improving reliability in use, particularly in situations where the instrument is likely to be subjected to shock or vibration. The ultrasonic welding of the internal current collector wires has been improved to give a higher quality, more uniform weld, improving reliability and reducing early failures. At various stages during the manufacturing process, 24 different parameters are tested, each stage of the assembly process is optically monitored and automated part placement reduces variations between devices, ensuring error free assembly.
A 100% leak test on the electrode sealing is an integral part of the manufacturing process, resulting in a significant increase in field reliability by eliminating one of the more common failures models found in sensors manufactures by others. More than ten million units have been shipped to date; the overall return rate from the field is an exceptionally low 0.006%, mainly because of the pre-emptive testing carried out at every stage of manufacturing. The latest generation promises even better reliability.
Climate 'diagnosis' is Strak Message for Politicians
In the report, an international team of climate scientists warns policy-makers that levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are at the extreme end of predictions made only in 2007, and that natural CO2 sinks such as oceans are becoming saturated.
Also, sea level rise is almost 80 per cent higher than some predictions, says co-author Tim Lenton at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK.
The team stresses that even a little warming could cause irreversible melting of ice sheets and turn dense Amazon forests into dry savannah grassland. "We may be heading towards these climate 'tipping points' earlier than we thought," Lenton says. The report calls for drastic action, including cutting CO2 emissions to almost zero by 2100 to prevent catastrophic climate change.
By : Jessica Hamzelou
A Revolution in On-line Liquid Analysis
The reaction is unaffected by Chlorides (salts) up to 30% and the system can handle oils, fats, and calcium up to 12.5%. Hence the BioTector is deemed to be the most reliable on-line liquid analyzer on the market, with 6 month service intervals and <99.7% uptime with an accuracy of +/- 3%. It is designed so that there is no drift and therefore calibration is not required for the correct operation of the system. The BioTector makes direct measurements without dilution in 6.5 minutes (TOC) and on a wide variety of ranges from 0-5 mg c/l all the way up to 100,000mg c/l. Up to 86,000 samples per year can be successfully measured by the BioTector and the analyzers can be calibrated to read TOC, TN, NO3, TKN, TP, COD, BOD, TC, TIC and VOC, there are now over 500 BioTector unit installed world wide, many of which are operating in applications that would have been impossible with conventional technologies.
Climate Change Gives Ancient Trees Growth Spurt

Rising temperatures are causing some of the oldest trees on Earth to grow faster, new research suggests. But the change might not benefit the climate – it may simply cause the trees to die more quickly.
Previous research (pdf) suggested that Great Basin bristlecone pines located in the mountains of western US are growing more rapidly. But the reason for the growth spurt – and whether or not it is unusual – was unclear.A new analysis of tree rings suggests that the growth spurt is indeed unprecedented: bristlecone pines have grown faster in the past 50 years than they have in 3.7 millennia.
"This well-designed study suggests that climate change is the factor causing the growth spurt," says Greg Wiles, who reconstructs past climates using tree rings at Wooster College in Ohio.
Growth in old age
Matthew Salzer of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona in Tucson and colleagues took cores from ancient trees at three sites in the White Mountains of eastern California and the Ruby mountains of Nevada. They then measured the width of 420,000 rings from pines within 150 metres of their uppermost range, and noted their age. Lastly, the team compared trends in tree ring width with modelled and reconstructed trends in local temperature.
Tree rings in the last half a century have been 0.58 millimetres wide on average, compared to 0.38 mm wide in the 4750 years preceding the period, the study found. What's more, the growth spurt appears to be accelerating: between 2001 and 2005, tree ring widths were almost twice as great as they were before 1951, says Salzer, with an average width of 0.68 millimetres. The changes in tree-ring width are closely correlated with temperature, the study concludes: recent warming in western US is the best explanation for last century's unprecedented growth spurt.
Human impact
"This is a cautionary tale," says Michael Mann, who uses tree rings to gain insights into past climates at Pennsylvania State University's Earth System Science Center, most famously to create the "hockey stick" graph showing an increase in temperature. "Only the human impact of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations can explain that warming."
Christof Bigler of the department of environmental sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich agrees that the growth spurt may be a warning sign. He says that if the ancient trees grow more rapidly they may simply die younger.
But not everyone thinks that the growth spurt is a bad thing. "In the sense of reducing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, it is actually a good thing that these old trees are kicking into life again," says Jinbao Li of the Tree Ring Lab at Columbia University in Palisades, New York.
It's also possible that the growth spurt is partly due to a rise in CO2 levels, which may "fertilise" forests, says Iain Robertson of the School of the Environment and Society at Swansea University, UK. "Temperature only explains about a quarter of the variance in ring widths, so CO2 fertilisation could still play a minor role."
By : Shanta Barley
Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0903029106
The SePem 01 Monitor for Water Leak Detection
State-of-the-art technology is inside the lightweight and handy casing of the SePem 01 - Master communicator. The user soon learns to appreciate the perfected menu control. Even though no separate software is needed, numerous functions are on hand for programming the loggers and presenting the readings. Thanks to the easy, intuitive operation of the SePem 01 - Master, users with only a smattering of PC knowledge very quickly obtain precision findings. Summaristing : the logger and communicator combination features precise measurements thanks to the highly-sensitive microphone together with powerful radio data transmission and evaluation of readings directly on the spot.
Trace Level Determination of Perfluorinated Compounds in Water using Ion Chromatography
The new Metrohm method is a good alternative regarding both investment on instrumentation and usability. The method is based on surpressed ion chromatography with isocratic elution on a reserved-phase column thermostated at 35'C using an aqueous mobile phase containing boric acid and acetonitrile. The used detection technique is conductivity. While PFOA and PFOS determination in low salt-containing water samples can be performed using straightforward direct injection chromatography, samples with higher alkaline-earth-metal concentration, e.g. tap, lake, sludge or river water samples, should pass over a cation exchanger such as Metrohm's Sample Prepation Module <
TurbiCheck With Infra-Red Light Source
Highlight :
1. Range 0.01 - 1100 NTU
2. Measurement with infrared light at an angle of 90'
3. Measurement of coloured liquids
4. Easy handling
5. 600 tests without battery change
Dissolved Oxygen Optical Sensor Designed for Process Applications
The In-Situ RDO sensor measure Dissolved Oxygen using the principle of "dynamic luminescene quenching" according to ASTM Method D888-05, Test Method C. Compared to Clark-cell type sensors, the RDO PRO sensor can lower the total cost of acquiring consistent, high-quality data. Th In-Situ RDO sensor significantly reduces instrument checks and recalibration. The RDO PRO sensor is factory-calibrated and requires a quick two-point calibration upon deployment. The calibration can last for several months if sensor fouling is minimal and if the foil is not mechanically damaged or removed. If fouling is high, the sensor can typically be cleaned and redeployed without recalibration. Field-replaceable caps streamline maintenance, reduces costs, and eliminate programming errors.
Pumps Help Oceanographic Research to Measure Carbon Dioxide is Seawater
"We also chose the Cavro XCalibur Pump because an important design goal was to make the CO2 sensor small and light; the pump also offered high accuracy and was capable of maintenance-free operation for long periods, " added Dr. Nakano.
Profiline 3000: Single-Parameter Handhelds from WTW
1. The 3110 series for pH or conductivity measurement are functional and easy-to-use handhelds for standard measurement.
2. The 3210 series for pH, D.O. , or conductivity measurement has a backlit graphical display, a plain text menu and a special CMC function to ensure that the measurement is taken within the calibration range. The series also has enhanced measurement capabilities.
3. The 3310 series for pH, D.O. , conductivity measurement is a true highlight: An automatic datalogger with memory for 5000 records and a 100% waterproof USB interface make them perfect for long term recording in the field and for fast data transfer to laptop or PC.
New Brochure and Webpage 'Water Analysis'
Using the most important national and international standards (DIN, EPA, ISO,ASTM) as a matrix, 'Water analysis' suggest method and instrumentation suited best to check the respective parameters. Methods include pH and conductivity measurement, titration, ion chromatography, voltammetry, atline and online process analysis. ' Water analysis' is of great value for anyone who is involved in the professional quality assurance of water. The easiest way to access Metrohm's (Switzerland) complete know-how on water analysis is the website Here you can find a multitude of applications as well as information on analytical instrumentation for water analysis. Downloads are free of charge.
Reliable Measurements Also in Polluted Water
The design of the sensor type CDR 1-mA was modified such that it can be used especially in polluted industrial, process and waste water as well as in cooling water applications or surfactant-polluted waters. This is ensured by a dirt-tolerant, non-porous diaphragm protect the sensitive measuring electrodes against the sample medium. The diaphragm protect because it is permeable for chlorine dioxide but not for interfering dissolved and undissolved water components. The sensors provides a temperature-compensated 4...20 mA signal for measurements in a temperature range of 1 to 55'C. Precise measurements can be realised in a pH range of 1 to 10.0.
Portable and Stationary Sampler
The TC Series for Suspended Solids Monitoring Sensor
Groundwater Monitoring-Low-flow Purging and Sampling
As each country looks more closely at its water resources and maintaining water quality, considerations on water sampling and techniques become more important. For any source, there is and obvious need for sampling process integrity to be able to sample accurately, reliably and repeatably, in compliance with rules and guidelines thus achieving quality assurance - and as economically as possible.
The New Isco 2150EX for Instrinsically Safe Area-Velocity Flowmeter
Area velocity flow measurement provides greater accuracy in open-channel applications where weirs and flumes are not practical, and where submerged, full pipe, surcharged, and reverse flow conditions may occur. Applications for the 2150EX flowmeter include : portable and permanent-site AV flow monitoring foe inflow/infiltration, sewer overflow, and other sewer studies; Measuring shallow flows in small pipes. The low-profile Area Velocity sensor minimises flow stream obstruction and senses velocity in flows down to 25 mm in depth; level measurement in potentially explosive area such as manholes, digesters, and storage tanks. the 2150EX stores sata continuosly in"flash" memory to protect againts loss in case of power failure. Isco's versatile Flowlink Software provides site setup as well as retrieval and analysis of stored data.
The SC-TOC-A Gas Generator for TOC Analysers
The SC-TOC-A is the only TOC generator on the market today, featuring an internal air compressor, thus offering a stand-alone solution, independent from external air sources. Gas generators are our only business : With this dedication, we are sure to offer you a convenient, reliable, and cost effective gas supply. Our products are supported by a worldwide team of dedicated technical specialists, resulting in service capabilities that are second to none.
US EPA Approved Gas Analyzer Series from Ecotech
Further specialist models, including precursor trace gas analyzer, will be progessively released from 2010 onwards. The Serinus series ambient gas analyzer derives it's name from genus (group) of the canary, which was the first effective 'method' used to detect harmful gases in coalmines. just as the humble canary helped protect the health of early coal miners, so too will the new gas analyzers play their part in helping deliver a cleaner, safer, healthier global environment.
If you would like to know more about the Serinus gas analyzer please visit : or email :
EnviMan Software for Waste Incinerators
The Supreme Line CLD for Measuring NOx
And if it comes to number crunching : This analyzer offers an integrated hard disk with nearly unlimited storage capacity for data logging purposes. The structured SQL database allows an easy way of exporting data. Of course, interfacing is up to date with not only RS232, but ethernet connections. You benefit from fewer and hidden external connections. The instrument has a compact design and requires less space in racks. with its tilted and adjustable front panel the readability of displayed information is vastly improved. The first unit has been tested in a remote location for over one year and has proven its full capability : Supreme Performance!
Weather Data Critical to Pollution Monitoring
Your site will almost certainly experience weather conditions that will be quite different from what the weather bureau records. You will have your own micro-climate, with unique wind movement, rainfall, temperature and evaporation rates. With on site conditions that can vary wildly from the official report, collecting on-site weather data is becoming increasingly important. So how do you collect accurate, relevant and reliable weather data for your site? The answer is to install your own Environdata (Australia) automatic weather station, to keep historical records, provide live data on demand, provide the information you need to be confident in the management decisions you make, with accurate records to back you up. Not all weather stations are created equal. With an Environdata weather station - a true professional station - you will receive the quality you deserve, PLUS 10 years free phone and email support, high quality windows software, full system integration capability, quality back up, service and advice.
XC-6000EPC Automated Mercury Sampler for Stationary Sources
Also manufactured by Apex Instruments for use with the XC-6000PC are dual sorbent trap heated sampling probes, heated sample transfer lines and Stirling gas coolers for conditioning the gas by removing moisture and scrubbing corrosives out of the gas stream before the gas enters the meter console. To perform quarterly audits, Apex Instruments offers the AK-6000 Audit Kit a secondary reference dry gas meter with optical encoder, digital quadrature totalizer (15-point calibration), handheld digital barometer, thermocouple sim ulator, thermometer, type K thermocouple, 6" thermocouple "Y" adapter and vacuum insulated ice bath.
The latest addition to the Apex mercury sampling line of products is the MercSampler Automated Software : HGCalc. This new add-on software package uses sample run data and trap analysis. The sample run data from the MercSampler XC-6000EPC is imported in to the application, where total mercury mass, hourly and total mercury emissions are calculated. The software insures the specifications in 40CFR, part 75 are met. The software will also verify QA/QC specifications regarding section 2 breakthrough, relative deviation, and section 3 spike recovery as shown in Appendix K, table K-1. This application is used to import XC-6000 sample run data and trap analysis data to perform calculations for Appendix K. When all calculations are done and data verified this can be exported currently in text / PDF format and will be available in an XML report format in the near future.
Denox (SCR) Plants Urea is Added to Reduced NOx
The special M&C gas sample probe SP2000-H320/S offers a good solution. In order to prevent blockage due to salification, the probe temperature is controlled above 300'C, keeping the salts in the vapour phase. At the outlet of the probe filter, the gas passes into a glass separator vessel filled with glass balls to extend the surface for salt formation. Inherent moisture and solubility of salts means the resulting solution can be easily pumped away, providing a self-cleaning mechanism. A range of accessories complement this probe including different probe tube materials, calibration gas management, blow-back and external temperature control
XRF Alpha Series For Positive Material Indentification (PMI)
Applications for this Positive Material Identification analyzer include alloy analysis for quality control, non-destructive testing and metal recycling. The Innov-X has flexible and friendly software allowing three modes operation. Fast ID Mode provides rapid spectral signature matching for grade identification plus alloy chemistry. Analytical Mode provides a full chemistry analysis using the method of fundamental parameters, plus grade matching to grade table specifications. Pass/Fail Mode is a rapid sorting mode. The operator selects a standard from a fingerprint library for Pass/Fail comparison. The decision criteria can be spectral signature matching, or chemistry, or chemistry ranges for one or more elements.
The Innov-X analyzer is also used for in-situ testing of metals in soil, bagged or prepared soil samples. It can be equipped with the environmental metals in soils module to identify and quantify Titanium, Barium, chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Mercury, Arsenic, Selenium, Lead, etc. The Innov-X tube-based Alpha Series is isotope free and delivery instant, accurate readings. It features a miniature X-ray tube and high-resolution detector. Engineered around the HP iPAQ pocket PC, the alpha series is user-friendly, flexible and upgradeable, and has a bright color display for easy viewing in all lighting conditions and a rear-facing LCD display. It is now available for rental at Ashtead Technology (SEA) Pte Ltd.
Features include : Tube-based system eliminates costly resourcing and loss of speed: multi-element Analysis - in one measurement; Definitive Pos./Neg. Classifications, Ergonomic, lightweight design;Versatile PDA platform and Easily measures uneven surfaces.
The EE061 Humidity Transmitter Series with 4-20 mA Output
The EE061 unifies outstanding measurement accuracy with a compact design and a 4 - 20 mA current output. The electronic board integrated in the probe is protected from external influences by a potting compound of very high quality and therefore usable from -40 to 60'C. In combination with the for years now proven quality of the E+E coating of the humidity sensor, is the transmitter insensitive to dust, dirt and condensation. The EE061 allows for stable long term measurements in demanding applications like outside, in stables, storage room, or greenhouses.
All important information for the user is engraved on the 160 mm long sensor probe by means of a laser and will be still legible after several years of use. The supply voltage for the EE061 is 9 - 28 Vdc. Indifferent of how the probe is connected the protection against reverse polarity prevents installation errors. The fixed connection cable is 0.5 meter or 3 meter long. It is possible to have an optional 4-wire passive (sink) temperature output. The available accessories like a mounting flange and a radiation shield for outdoor applications completes the flexibility of these series.
The PDV6000 Plus for On-Site Analysis of Heavy Metals
Keeping a large number of the features and accessories that made the PDV6000 so successful, the PDV6000plus is taking on site metal monitoring to next level
Laboratory Disk Mill "Pulverisette 13"
The material to be ground is crushed between two counteracting grinding disks with course radial toothing on the inside as a result of compressive and shearing stresses. The staged toothing means that the material is preground in the inner chamber of the grinding disks before being finely ground in the outer chamber. The gap width between the two grinding disks is set from the outside - also during operation - and determines the fineness of the end product.
The SenSafeT Free Chlorine Water Check Regulatory Drinking Water
As an alternative to DPD, SenSafeT free chlorine test strips avoid the errors inherent to currently available test methods. no powder, tablets, liquids, instruments, technical training, or MSDS is required. And, since the test strips are non-hazardous normal waste disposal may be used. All of these factors make SenSafeT free chlorine water check the safe, accurate, easy, and affordable water testing solution
SITRANS FUP1010 Weatherproof Portable Flowmeter
The EC410 Oxygen Sensor
The BM25 Tranportable Multi Gas Area Monitor
There are 17 interchangeable "smart" sensor options available for the BM25, making the system easily adaptable to a variety of applications and industries. When the BM25 detects a hazardouz level of oxygen, toxic or combustible gas, the top-mounted beacon sends a flashing, bright signal in all directions while emitting a powerful, 103 dB siren alarm. Capable of monitoring up to five gases simultaneously, the BM25 can be used as a stand-alone monitor or wired so that alarm signals transfer from one unit to another. This setup can create a safety perimeter around a detected atmospheric hazard, or transmit a manually initiated emergency signal over a wide area.
The BM25 comes standard with a NiMH battery pack offering 100 hours of continuous run time. Long-term area monitoring is possible in hazardous locations with an intrinsically safe trickle charge power supply. Also standard are STEL and TWA readings and nearly four months of data logging capacity for a five gas configuration.
BM25 Multiguard Tranportable Multi Gas Area Monitor
There are 17 interchangeable "smart" sensor available for the BM25, making the system easily adaptable to a variety of applications and industries. When the BM25 detects a hazardous level of oxygen, toxic or combustible gas, the top-mounted beacon sends a flashing, bright signal in all directions while emitting a powerful, 103 dB siren alarm. Capable of monitoring up to five gases simultaneously, the BM25 can be used as a stand alone monitor or wired so that alarm signals transfer from one unit to another. This setup can create a safety perimeter around a detected atmospheric hazard, or transmit a manually initiated emergency signal over a wide area.
The BM25 comes standard with a NiMH battery pack offering 100 hours of continuous run time. Long-term area monitoring is possible in hazardous locations with an intrinsically safe trickle charge power supply. Also standard are STEL and TWA readings and nearly four months of datalogging capacity for a five gas configuration